It’s that time again. Weekly WoD overview time! Monday we have “Steel.” This is 7 rounds of 7 hang power cleans, 7 push jerks, and 7 bar-facing burpees. On Tuesday, it’s “Captain Marvel.” This one has descending reps of double-unders and ring muscle-ups. Wednesday we have “Rubble.” We’ll chip away at single-arm DB overhead walking lunges, weighted box step-ups, and GHD sit-ups. Also, this is the first day of our new squat cycle. We’ll do both front and back squats on Wednesday! Thursday is “Storm.” This is our long conditioning workout for the week. This has running, farmer carries, rowing, and odd object carries. Friday, we’ll start with some deadlift percentage work. Then, “Night Howler” will take us through alternating DB hang split snatches, rope climbs, and DB deadlifts. On Saturday it’s “Slingshot.” This will be a team-of-two workout with strict handstand push-ups, burpee box jump-overs, toes-to-bar, and assault bike sprints. Let’s get it, y’all.“People do not decide their future. They decide their habits. And it’s their habits that decide their future.” -- Frederick Matthias Alexander