Hello! Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Here’s what we have for this week:
Monday will consist of a heavvvvy squat snatch followed by “The Sandlot” with rowing, air squat, and more rowing!
On Tuesday, we’ll get started with a (heavvvvy) squat clean and push jerk, then get into “Scotty Smalls” with pull-ups and push-ups. Sounds easy right? Wait till you see how many rounds.
On Wednesday, you’ll be saying “You'e killing me, Smalls” when you’re halfway through your biking, GHDs and back squats.
Thursday starts with a shoulder press strength piece, followed by ‘Yeah-Yeah” with push press, burpees over bar, and dubz.
Finishing off the work week with “Benny and the Beast”. This one will consist of sumo deadlift high pulls and box jump overs.
Saturday will be a fun partner wod with calories on the bike, running, and burpee pull-ups!
"Either find a way to succeed or make one." – Suzie Hoyt