We are kicking off the week with a bang as we prepare for the first Open workout of the 2025 season this Friday. Expect this week to set you up nicely for 25.1. Can’t wait to see all of you! This week of Fitness is about to begin!
• Monday begins with building to a heavy clean complex then look to complete a 10 minute AMRAP of alternating single-leg squats and power cleans.
• Tuesday gets all gymnasty with a 3 round workout for time consisting of chest to bar pull-ups, hand release push-ups and running. Stick around afterwards for the skill work of flutter kicks and alternating V-ups.
• Wednesday, look to pick heavy things up and put them down. We’re deadlifting for load across six sets (10-8-8-4-4-4). This is a day to work to a moderate set of 4 since the Open is Friday.
• Thursday workout is a little bit longer that will help develop your stamina and endurance with 3 rounds for time of rowing for distance and Dubz. Then to finish off the class accumulate 30-50 GHD hip extensions.
• Friday will be the CrossFit Open workout 25.1 we won’t know what the workout will be until February 27th live at 11am. What are your guesses to what it will be?
• Saturday we have a fun back-and-forth partner workout with kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls, toes-to-bars, and handstand push-ups to finish the week off. If you're feeling sore from Friday's Open workout, approach this one as more of a recovery effort.
“When you’ve got purpose, everything becomes possible” – Lewis Pugh