Happy day, guys!
Let’s see what this week has in store for us!
Monday will start it all off with “The Other Total” which has 1RMs for the clean, bench press, and overhead squat. I’m sure anyone that LOVES heavy lifting is super happy right now!
Tuesday, we have 4 rounds of double unders, burpee pull ups, more double unders, and burpee bar muscle ups. Then we have a mini pump for the legs afterwards.

… “Cheer Up Dude. It’s Christmas.”

Wednesday, we’re going to “Blast this Christmas Music!” while doing some squat snatches, calories on the bike, and toes to bar. It’s gonna be great!
Thursday, “HELP ME… I’M FEELING” leg and lung burn as we get through some rowing and running! Thennnnn… we’ll FEEL some arm burn during the mini arm pump after the WOD.
Friday, “No one should be alone on Christmas” so make sure you come hang out with us while we do dumbbell bench presses and dumbbell deadlifts. Oh, and we’re also gonna try to make your abs sore. Muahahaha!
Saturday, “12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS” This one is always a doozy! Okay, stay with me here. We have… rope climbs, squat cleans, muscle ups, burpees over the bar, deadlifts, handstand push ups, toes to bar, wall balls, box get overs, back rack lunges, chest to bar pull ups, and thrusters. (Massive inhale.) Okay, good luck and have fun!
"Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see." -The Conductor, The Polar Express