Alrighty Desert Devils, September is just around the corner knocking on our door! Remember to be aware of our schedule change this week when you sign up for your classes; 8:15 am class is now starting at 8:30 am; Fit For Life starts at 9:45 instead of 10:45; Saturday’s class will start at 8:30. Our Whole 30 nutrition challenge starts on September 1st. If you weren’t able to be here Saturday we recorded the content and can pass along once all signed up. Reach out to one of your coaches to participate. Let’s get this week of fitnessy on!Monday starts off with picking things up and putting them down with tempo deadlifts. Then revving things up with “Hot Rod” a 4 set, every 4 minute workout of dual dumbbell deadlifts, dual dumbbell hang squat cleans and assault bike sprints.Tuesday, our focus here is building on what we have done over the previous weeks of building consistency in the handstand walk. After that look to complete a 12 minute AMRAP of toes to bar and strict handstand push-ups called “Trainwreck”.Wednesday we will perform tempo front squats then regular back squats for our strength piece. Then “Jump Street” will finish our class out with 3 rounds of a minute of max reps of power snatch, box jump overs, wall balls and rest.Thursday will start off with some chest to bar pullup technique work before we take on “Burn After Reading”. In this workout we will be performing 3 rounds of chest to bar pullups, assault bike calories, lateral burpees over the rower, and calorie row for two whole sets with a 5 minute rest before starting those 3 rounds over (think 3 rounds rest 5 minutes then 3 rounds).Friday we get to find our thruster 3 rep max (yes, it is from the rack). “Hot Fuzz” will finish our session completing 5 power cleans and 5 overhead squats for 10 rounds.Saturday looks like a fun workout called “Planes, Trains and Automobiles”. In teams of 3 work to complete evenly dubz, bench press, deadlifts, rope climbs and wall walks“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” -- Zig Ziglar