As we prepare for another week away from the gym, we want to encourage you to review your goals for 2020 and establish a new way of bringing them to light. Although it has been difficult to see how this time could be beneficial we want to think about ways that we can get better, even if it's small wins. Drink more water, mobilize and stretch more often, find ways you can change your nutrition to reflect your goals. These are all things we can accomplish with little work. To start our training week off we are going to see a longer workout with "Kelly" an AMRAP 35. This workout is 400m run, 30 box jumps or step ups on an odd object and 20 double db clusters. Tuesday will be "Twinkle Toes", which is 5 rounds, rest 3 min, then 5 rounds for time. Movements include wall lying hands to feet, DB push jerk, after your rest you will complete 5 more rounds of wall lying hands to feet and DB hang cleans. Wednesday we will see "2MOM" where you will complete 8 DB bent over row, 8 odd object dips every 2 minutes for 8 rounds. "12-12-24" is seen on Thursday, this AMRAP 12 has DB lunges, alternating snatches and lateral jump overs. Friday we are hitting one of the hardest CrossFit workouts created, "Kalsu." This workout is 100 thrusters for time, buuuuuuut every min on the minute you must complete 5 burpees. The combination of load, volume and movements make it very difficult but fun! "Pistols" will be on Saturday, this workout is 5 rounds for time of 10 alternating pistols or one leg squats, 10 DB alternating plank rows, 10 single arm DB sumo deadlift high pull and 10 triple unders. “The voice inside your head will coach you more than anyone else ever will.”--Ben Bergeron