Awesome job completing Open workout 25.1 last week! This week we will find out Thursday the details of 25.2. Can’t wait to see all of you! This week of Fitness is about to begin!
• Monday we start off with a weightlifting complex, Then look to take on Nancy, a classic CrossFit benchmark workout of 5 rounds for time of running and overhead squats that will test your capacity during a higher-skill conditioning workout.
• Tuesday’s workout is a play on the classic benchmark Diane. This for time WOD is a descending rep scheme by 3 reps from 21 to 3 of deadlifts and 2 wall walks per round. Stick around for some kettlebell carry skill work afterwards.
• Wednesday we have a short AMRAP couplet of box jumps and rope climbs. Depending on how you're feeling, today can be a day to push the pace or emphasize skill work. Prior to the WOD we’ll spend some time practicing rope climbs.
• Thursday is a heavy clean and push jerk day with a twist! This workout we will perform 3 power cleans, 2 hang power cleans and 1 push jerk as a 12 minute EMOM. Here’s the twist… all 6 reps need to be unbroken. 😉
• Friday will be the CrossFit Open workout 25.2 What are your guesses to what it will be?
• Saturday’s workout is a longer-duration effort with higher-volume reps in each round. Expect this effort to be a grind during this 20 minute AMRAP of burpees, alternating DB snatches and DB farmers carries.
"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have"--Thomas Jefferson