Happy 4th, y’all. Be safe. We hit some amazing lifts last week. If we did it right, it took a lot out of us. This week is a de-load week. This will allow our bodies to recuperate while still getting some quality movement in. Here we go!Monday we have “La Rambla.” This is 21-15-9 row calories, push presses, and sit-ups followed by 15-12-9 row calories, front squats, and sit-ups. On Tuesday, we have “Orchard Road.” This is 3 rounds of sumo deadlift high-pulls, bar-facing burpees, dubz, and air squats in a 1:1 work/rest ratio. Wednesday, we have “The Royal Mile.” This is a long one. It is 4 rounds, separated by rest, of dual DB step-overs, 200m runs, and strict pull-ups. On Thursday it’s “Hollywood Boulevard.” This is a 20-minute EMOM of toes-to-bar, single-arm DB hang clean & jerks, box jump-overs, and strict HSPUs. Friday, we have two benchmarks in one. This is “Karabel” - a mix of Isabel (30 snatches for time) and Karen (150 wall balls for time). We’ll do 10 rounds of 3 snatches and 15 wall balls. Lastly, on Saturday we have “Champs-Élysées.” This is for teams of three. You’ll swap between rowing, dual KB front-rack holds, and a handstand walk and run combo. You’re done when you’ve accumulated 5,000 meters on the rower. “Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” -- Winnie the Pooh