The CrossFit Open begins in just under 2 weeks! This year we are going with a Survivor Theme, we will be splitting up into 4 teams or 'Tribes' To be led by our Ambassadors as team captains This week of Fitness is about to begin!
• Monday starts the week off with a rowing benchmark. Plan to push your limits in an all out effort with a 2,000 meter rowing time trial! Afterwards, there is a push-up skill piece to stick around for.
• Tuesday begins with building to a heavy snatch complex. Then, look to complete a two-movement chipper for time of abmat sit-ups and overhead squats.
• Wednesday you'll take on a workout complete with a single set of box jump-overs, toes-to-bars, and dumbbell thrusters, each with a 400-meter run beforehand. Then stick around after the workout to complete some renegade rows.
• Thursday we're tackling the classic CrossFit benchmark workout, Grace–30 clean & jerks. This workout should be a sprint from start to finish. After the workout, we'll take a few minutes to rest before working up to a 3 rep power clean.
• Friday is a partner workout that combines 3 different high-skill bodyweight movements of rope climbs, wall walks and muscle-ups shared between you and your partner. In between those movements there are synchronized burpees in between.
• Saturday will be the follow-up gymnastic seminar class for those who attended the 1st one back on January 18th.
“Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.”--Roger Crawford