The CrossFit Open begins in just over 3 weeks! Stay tuned for some cool and exciting changes this year we hope you all will like. This week of Fitness is about to begin!
• Monday begins the week with a heavy front squat day and is a repeat benchmark from Sept 4th, 2024. In this workout there are 5 sets of 3 front squats aiming to lift around 70% or more in each set.
• Tuesday’s workout goal is to move as quickly as possible through three 4 minute AMRAP’s of 3 rounds of kettlebell swings and Dubz then max reps of walking lunges.
• Wednesday’s day of fitness is brought to you by your favorite air bikes. You and a partner will accumulate calories on the bike while the other holds an object. The biking partner may only work while their partner holds the object.
• Thursday it’s time to get all gymnasty with a descending rep scheme of bar muscle-ups with rowing efforts after each round. Remember, if you still are working on those muscle-ups there are plenty of modification options available.
• Friday’s workout consists of box jumps and hang squat cleans and is a bit of a "choose your own adventure". The choose your adventure part means you get to pick your weight for the hang squat cleans while moving as quickly as possible.
• Saturday finishes the week off with push jerk strength piece then a classic triplet of a AMRAP 15 of pull-ups, bar facing burpees and push jerks.
"The ticket to victory often comes down to bringing your very best when you feel your worst."--David Goggins