We are heading into that fabulous deload week as we get ready for next week where we will test some benchmarks. A note about deload weeks. We are lowering percentages, but do not want to get rid of the strength work altogether. We also want to keep tapping into some challenging workouts, however we want to reduce the overall volume during this week as well as minimize the amount of “intense” workouts we hit as well. Monday look to work on getting under the bar quicker plus overhead stability with a snatch balance and paused overhead squats. Then work on our stamina with “The Black Riders,” a 15 minute alternating EMOM of calories on the bike, touch and go power snatch and burpee box jump overs.Tuesday will be a great day to test our 1 rep max weighted strict pull-ups before engaging in a 2 round for time of running, strict pull-ups, air squats and toes to bar “My Precious”.Wednesday we get to practice our power clean set-up position with being controlled off the floor and speed in our hip extension in a 10 minute EMOM. Then a re-test workout from October 6th that was named “Goro”. This workout this week is named “Bilbo Baggins” which is a descending from 18’s by 3 of deadlifts and 6-5-4-3-2-1 of wall walks.Thursday, get ready for some back squats and to focus on speed and body position every 2 minutes for 8 minutes. Then “Gandalf” is a 12 minute AMRAP of rowing for calories, dual dumbbell step-ups and 2 for 1 burpees.Friday expect to get some gymnasty bar muscle up technique work before going on to a CrossFit Open style workout called “Sauron”. This is a CrossFit Open style workout for time of dubz, wall balls and bar muscle-ups.Saturday, pick your partner to help complete “Fellowship”. This is a full gas pedal two part workout alternating between each person working to complete power cleans and handstand push-ups.“Our understanding is that the needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind, one needs functional competence to stay out of the nursing home. The other one wants functional dominance to win medals.”--CrossFit Quote