This week of fun filled fitness has a good mix of gymnastics, weightlifting, carries, plyometrics, running, rowing and biking. Let’s get to work!Monday starts the week off building to a challenging 2 rep hang squat snatch. Then, followed by “Unagi” a 6 round high capacity workout that involves box jump overs, overhead squats, and ring muscle-ups. Tuesday look to get in some overhead pressing practice in the form of handstand push-ups. While “No One’s Ready”, for what’s next, look to pursue a 16 minute AMRAP of rowing for calories, push-ups, GHD/Abmat sit-ups and wall walks.Wednesday is all about grip and stamina! This “Wedding Season” workout has two 3 round triplets with a 5 minute rest in between consisting of the 1st part running, deadlifts and farmers carries and the 2nd part running, hang power cleans and farmers carries. Remember to move quickly.Thursday we are hitting “All the Resolutions”, a burner to emphasize pushing our intensity. This workout is a 3 sets of decreasing rep, 3 round triplets of bike for calories, bar facing burpees and dubz with a 2 minute rest between sets.Friday we continue to build our volume in the back squat completing 5 sets every 2 minutes. Then check out that 20 minute AMRAP “Prom Video” showing us completing rowing for calories; toe to bar and power snatches weren't all that bad in the end :)Saturday let's get together and lift some weights at our first Halloween Bar Slam! The lifts include the Snatch and Clean & Jerk. Also, the Fit For Lifers will get to show us how strong they’ve become with deadlifts. Wear your favorite Halloween costume! There will be prizes for those costume choices and a potluck afterward. Reminder to sign up!“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” ― Leo Tolstoy