Weekly WOD Overview for May 17th through May 22nd, 2021

May 19, 2022
Weekly WOD Overview for May 17th through May 22nd, 2021

Hello there. You look nice today.It’s time to find out what the week has in store for us. Monday we’ve got “Baxter.” This is a 12-minute AMRAP with DB push presses, strict pull-ups, and shuttle runs. On Tuesday it’s “Brian Fantana.” This is 3 rounds of bike calories, dual DB power cleans, and dual DB box step-overs. Then we go directly into front-rack walking lunges and a bike calorie buy-out. Wednesday it’s “Ron Burgundy.” This is a gnarly little chipper featuring descending reps of deadlifts, bench presses, and rope climbs. That takes us to Thursday. “Veronica Corningstone” will be our long workout for the week. This is a 36-minute AMRAP of rowing for distance. Every 4 minutes you’ll perform some form of carry, alternating between farmer carries, KB front-rack carries, and overhead KB carries. On Friday we have “Champ.” This’ll be a quick chipper of toes-to-bar, squat cleans, and front squats. Saturday, we’re doing the partner thing again. “Great Knights of Columbus” is a 20-minute AMRAP of devil’s presses, handstand walks, and dubz. That’s it. Let’s do this. “60% of the time, it works every time.” -- Brian Fantana

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