July 23, 2023

Hello everyone, hope you are having a great weekend!

Monday, we will start the week off with a Mayhem Classic Chipper that includes burpee box get overs, calories on the bike, GHD sit ups, and bar muscle ups. Make sure you don’t lose count on this one.

Tuesday, we test our upper and lower body strength by going for a 1-RM front squat and a max weight chin up! Then we go into “McLaren” which is a spicy AMRAP of running, power snatches, and overhead squats.

Wednesday, we hope you studied because we have more tests! We have a 1-RM bench press and a max height box jump. Then, we have “Lamborghini” which is an EMOM of rowing, deficit push ups, and single dumbbell step ups.

Thursday, we have “Maserati” which has box jump overs, clean and jerks, squat cleans, and squat clean thrusters! Yikes! Then of course, to finish off the legs, we have pistol work.

Friday, more tests to come with a 1-RM deadlift and a max set of strict handstand push ups. Then “Bugatti” which will be a test for our lungs containing kettlebell swings, toes to bar, abmat sit ups, and some rest. Woohoo!

Saturday! One of our own is in need! Our member Miguel has a beautiful little boy by the name of Titan! He has been diagnosed with a really yucky and painful condition called chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis. It is a condition that causes severe bone pain and keeps this little guy from doing normal daily activities that most 9 year olds do. It severely limits his ability to even walk. It has taken his family many months of trips to Dallas for diagnosis and treatments. He has to go to Dallas one a month for infusions to treat his conditions which has taken a toll emotionally and financially on the family.

So in true DDCF Fashion we will be holding a Hero WOD for our little hero and his family. It is a special workout we created for Titan and will be open to anyone and everyone that would like to support the family in their travels. We will have a cash donation jar as well as setting up an online store to purchase shirts, socks and tote bags with the proceeds going to Miguel and Rae, his wife, to cover medical and travel expenses. We should have the store set up soon with an easy to find link.

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