Hi guys! Excited for this upcoming week, this is what we have:
Monday, we will start the week off with a spicy EMOM that has clean and jerks then “Tony Stark” which has overhead dumbbell walking lunges, toes to bar, burpees over dumbbell, and dumbbell snatches.
Tuesday, our strength piece consists of deadlifts and then the metcon is “Steve Rogers” which has rowing, box jump overs, and thrusters.
Wednesday, we have a 5x5 back squat and then “Peter Parker” where we’ll ride the bike and jump around a lot.
Thursday, we have a 5x5 bench press and then “Clint Barton” which has kettlebell swings and push ups. Goodbye pecs.
Friday, no strength piece because “Bruce Wayne” doesn’t need to get any stronger. The WOD will consist of running, wall balls, and v-ups. Then we finish off the day with a nice little core pump.
Saturday, “Clark Kent” needs a buddy to complete a team of 2 WOD that has rope climbs, wall walks, and calories on the bike. Good luck with this one!
“No amount of money ever bought a second of time.”— Tony Stark