• Monday, we’re going to have some fun with a descending-rep couplet of deadlifts and rope climbs. And don’t rush off after the workout—let’s hang out and stretch together as a group!
• Tuesday, it’s time for a heavy bench press day! Aim to hit at least 80% of your 1RM. If you don’t have a previous lift to reference, today is the perfect opportunity to go for a heavy single and set a benchmark for next time.
• Wednesday's workout is a quick and fun AMRAP that includes some overhead walking lunges and calories on the air bike. Let's get moving!
• Thursday, get ready for today's workout, which features some fun interval sprints with shuttle runs and max burpees. You've got just 45 seconds of intense effort, so let's make every second count! Give it your all and see how many burpees you can rack up during the session.
• Friday, you’re in for a fun workout with 10 quick rounds of power cleans and wall-ball shots. Aim to finish this challenge in about 10-15 minutes. Try to go for touch-and-go or fast singles on those power cleans, and see if you can keep your wall-ball shots unbroken for at least the first 6 rounds.
• Saturday, kicks off the weekend with a fun challenge with 5 rounds FOR TIME of rowing, sit-ups, and handstand push-ups. This longer triplet is all about keeping the intensity a bit lower as we wrap up the week, but don’t be fooled—it’ll still pack a punch!
“If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them.”--Richard Bach