We hope you had a wonderful Christmas week and are excited to have you back as we wrap up the year together!
• Monday starts the week off with an exciting four rounds of an AMRAP style workout. Get ready to tackle a tough mix of hang power cleans, shoulder to overheads, burpees over the bar and pull-ups.
• Tuesday’s partner workout celebrates 2024. This 20-minute AMRAP has 24 reps of the following movements: box jump overs, power snatches, overhead squats, knees to elbows, and calories on the bike.
• Wednesday - CLOSED in observance of New Year’s Day
• Thursday look to retest the “CrossFit Total” benchmark that we recently tested back on August 26th. Make sure you're well rested so you can see what your 1-rep max back squat, shoulder press, and deadlift are! Let’s see those gains!
• Friday, we start off building to a heavy 3 rep pushpress from the rack. Then get ready for a fun challenging sprint style WOD of dubz and thrusters! Don’t be surprised if you find yourself breathing a little heavier—it’s all part of the fun!
• Saturday’s workout is an oldie but goody--CrossFit Open 18.1, a 20-minute AMRAP of toes to bar, single-arm DB hang clean and jerks and calories on a rower.
“Success isn’t always about ‘greatness.’ It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson