Weekly WOD Overview for August 24th through 29th, 2020

May 19, 2022
Weekly WOD Overview for August 24th through 29th, 2020

Get ready for a new week to hang out with cool people who like to get their fitness on, starting off Monday with “Everything is Awesome”. In this 26 minute AMRAP ascending rep scheme style workout you will perform 100 m run, 3 burpee box jumps and 3 handstand pushups. After each round is completed you will add another 100 m to the run and another 3 reps to the other movements. On Tuesday look to get some “rOH”ing in with building to a heavy 3 rep overhead squat strength piece. Then completing the session with an all out sprint of 5 rounds with moderately heavy overhead squats and short bursts of rowing. Wednesday gets a little “Smokey” with a 5 round 30 sec work/rest of parallette lateral jumps, med ball bear hug step ups, med ball V-ups. Then on Thursday the “Nasty Girls” show up. This is an “OG” CrossFit benchmark WOD consisting of 3 rounds of air squats, ring muscle ups and hang power cleans. For Friday watch out for the “Walking Dead” when building your deadlift strength. The theme for the day is to maintain a heavy 3 (80 to 85%) across all 5 sets. Finishing the week out on Saturday, you know “Baby Got Back” with a double under test max set per round, 400 m run and hang squat snatches for a whole 3 rounds.“Belonging shouldn’t mean you are like everyone else.” -Misty Copeland

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